Monday, August 24, 2009

My experiments with... um!?.. well many things!

Yes, as a kid I had quiet a few experiments with handling crackers, bi-cycles, robot-cars, slapping classmates,kid- hating dogs, and cricket-balls.

Yeah… you read it right, its cricket balls. How many of you know how it feels to be in the way of a cricket ball which hits you square on the nose, knocks you down, and follows a slow roll to stop before the boundary?.. huh!.. n the batsman is your teenaged, Wannabe-India Crickter big bro!! who is pissed off that you were in the way of his amazing four runs. You have a bleedy nose with blood gushing from your nose onto your lips and chin – the perfect vampire look!... just that you are not sure what happened to you.

What happens next: you blame your brother for the big flat nose all through your teen years. (“How can I end up with such a bad nose, when everyone in the family has straight, beautiful, small noses??!”… *hiccup hiccup*… **baaaaahhhhhhh**)

The next time you tried handling a cricket ball, it hits the neighbor’s 3 yr old daughter on the back of the head. She doesn’t know what happened to her.. spends a few precious silent moments in meditation, before she wails so loudly that all the apartment can hear the Banshee. By now, you run into the house, take some time to comprehend the inexcusable crime you’ve committed, go into the kitchen, find your mom and suddenly become interested in helping her!

You are silently hoping none of the other kids tell the neighbor, the kid stops wailing, and you din’t brain damage the girl. A gory picture of a brain damaged kid comes to haunt you, the neighbor gets to confront your family and you are in jail!.. (** God help me! I won’t touch a cricket ball for the rest of the summer holidays. I will silently grin and bear when my cousins play. ** )

And true to your word, you never handle a cricket ball, even after summer hols!..don’t even pick it up and throw it back to the players when it lands at you feet at school. ( “just keep moving!.. The ball is back to haunt you!.. It’s gonna hurt you one way or other!..”)

We will discuss dogs in the next episode of experiments.

1 comment:

Agnostic Vagabond said...

oh wow dont say my mom dat balls r so dangerous,she ,might forbid me playing.
And dogs too dats really an exciting action movie of a childhood u spent,let d dogs out on d blog i a waiting