Saturday, October 31, 2009

Learning to live

Learning to live without people is not so tough.
It becomes a part of you after a point. Its a dull thud, not a searing blow after a while.. part of growing up

There are always good memories... no matter what, even if I wanted to.. I can't and won't throw them away :)
So just let it be.. respect people's choices.. and try to live life..
There are always monotonous moments to make you wonder... "Where the heck did the days go?" over a glass of..

Friday, October 30, 2009

Google search results

Too many things happening...

some of them left me in floods of tears..
some .. in acute pain
some .. in frustration..
some made me want to jump of buildings..
some caused a relapse of insomnia
some ..the usual fear of the future..

I'm still waiting for one moment... one moment of bliss, of peace, of happiness.... in all this muck

Probably like smbdy close once said... it's some where, hiding in the later pages of Google search results..

Ironically these days, tht's the only place I can search...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I listen to..

Some fav songs in no particular order:

  1. Black bird - No! I love the Beatles original, but I'm shamelessly in love with Sarah McLachlan's version
  2. OverKill by Colin Hay - Did this guy get into my head??
  3. Chasing cars by Snow Patrol - Yeah baby!..I want to lie with you!
  4. You Found Me by The Fray - Oh! tht's exactly what I feel like asking smtimes!
  5. Let it be by Beatles - Just when I wanted to yell at God with the Fray, this song is my gospel. Oh yeah!.. Call me mad!... But, after a bad day, this is my prayer!
  6. You could be happy by Snow Patrol - The tinkling sounds just remind me of a baby's toys
  7. Fast Car by Tracy Chapman - Oh man! What a strong voice.. desperation and hope put together, the song just rocks me!
  8. Love Song by Sara Barellies - Ofcorz I wont write you a love song, just becoz u asked one!
  9. List of Demand by Saul Williams - Now tht's wht street poetry means!...Dont tell me rap was born on the streets!!
  10. The Universe by Beatles - I love 'Jai Guru Deva'. I'm sure they were on LSD in the Himalayas when they wrote this song.
  11. Toss the feathers by The Corrs - Absolutely love the energy. Scottish music without needing a bagpiper in background! impressive!!
  12. Iris by Goo Goo Dolls - The story goes that he wrote the song in flat 5 min after listening to the story!
  13. Friday by The Cure - Oh man!.. This song never fails to lift my spirits
  14. New Soul by Yael Naim - a lil bit of impishness, a lot of fun n a bounty load of freshness
Not an exhaustive list.. I cud come up with these at the spur of the moment.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I wanted to actively avoid blogging about this part. But can't help it!
I need to start applying to universities for my MBA.

I'm scared ****less!
Oh God!
These days, that's the only thing on my mind!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What do I know for sure?

I know for sure..

1. After the first few minutes of conversation with a person, you just need good looks to get further! (no, don't try to use your brains!)
2. Your dad always believes you are aimless, disorganized, disoriented, just a little short of a complete failure.
3. Your mum believes your dad is presidential material :)
4. If you are a girl in India who can't wake up by 6 am, cook, clean and keep your mouth shut always (even when people are wrong) - you are a failure in life!
5. If you tell somebody, that they are a loser to talk racist stuff, you are considered a complete Idiot.
6. People stamp you mad, wild, hopeless, lose moraled just because you have tattoo
7. No matter what you'll hate your boss, and he hates you too.

Will try adding to the list from time to time..

Monday, October 5, 2009


This is something I heard today on a series I follow

There are 5 stages of grief. They look different on all of us. But there are always 5.

- Grey's anatomy

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Things to do on a Sunday

Do you laundry.
Go to the Super market.
Get the maid to clean up.
Clean up your shelf.
Make a list of things to complete in the week ahead.
Complete that pending book on marketing.
Exercise. Eat right! Dont eat out. Try to learn to cook!
Watch those pending movies.
Solve a couple of math puzzles.
Do you weekly dose of reading.

Things to do on a Sunday

Visit the orphanage.
Complete the pending work.
Meet more people, talk about the idea.
Talk to dad about the idea. Ask for funds!
Complete that pending book on marketing.
Complete the presentation.
Fix those laptop issues
Make a list of colleges.
Plan your next month.
Plan the holidays.
Flash player work!

Things to do on a Sunday

Sleep late.
Stay lazy.
Have a brunch.
Take a long, hot, luxurious bath.
Call mum n dad!
Take a walk when it is windy.
Listen to music. When was the last time you actually listened to those beautiful lyrics?
Read a nice book. Dont read to complete it!.. Just Read to enjoy!
Have atleast 4 cups of hot coffee. Take a minute to smell the fresh hot aroma!
Smile!.. Hum!..
Play with the kid next door.
Forget. Listen..
Switch off the cell.
Dig those flower pots up. Put some plants in!
Don't check your mail.
Dont fix dinner! Eat fun food
Sleep early.. or late

The Shell Seekers

Last week was spent visiting old family frns n relatives..

Not my ideal way of spending the weekend, but it wasn't so bad!
I found a book to read at my cousin's place. Nothing else matters if I can find a book and comfortable couch :)
For reasons I can't fathom I forgot to carry books of my own!

Anyway, the book is "The Shell Seekers" by Rosamunde Pilcher. I've never heard of the author or the book.
It was published for the first time in 1987!

It turned out to be one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. Its about everyday men and women, everyday families, their failings, misgivings, love, loathing, jealousy, sorrows, triumphs and battles.

At the centre of it is Olivia, a beautiful, independent women, who chooses not to marry, yet goes on to live a very fulfilling life in all terms.
Then, there is Penelope.. a gypsy lady, always giving, in love with her conservatory, living every moment to the fullest, falling in love during a crazy war, left with beautiful memories.

Cosmo.. Old Cosmo, he died and broke my heart!
n there is always Richard!.. Dear Dear darling Richard!

Oh did I forget to mention, my cousin picked up the book for 20 bucks in second hand store, n I picked it up on a spur of the moment, and fell in love with it.

Talk abt serendipity :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

The place I come from...

The place I come from...

we have only 2 seasons.. Summer n Peak Summer!
spicy means... Add lots of chilli powder (not masala...)

I'm sure the seasons combined with chilli powder had a permanent, damaging affect on me... My Temper..
