Sunday, October 18, 2009

I listen to..

Some fav songs in no particular order:

  1. Black bird - No! I love the Beatles original, but I'm shamelessly in love with Sarah McLachlan's version
  2. OverKill by Colin Hay - Did this guy get into my head??
  3. Chasing cars by Snow Patrol - Yeah baby!..I want to lie with you!
  4. You Found Me by The Fray - Oh! tht's exactly what I feel like asking smtimes!
  5. Let it be by Beatles - Just when I wanted to yell at God with the Fray, this song is my gospel. Oh yeah!.. Call me mad!... But, after a bad day, this is my prayer!
  6. You could be happy by Snow Patrol - The tinkling sounds just remind me of a baby's toys
  7. Fast Car by Tracy Chapman - Oh man! What a strong voice.. desperation and hope put together, the song just rocks me!
  8. Love Song by Sara Barellies - Ofcorz I wont write you a love song, just becoz u asked one!
  9. List of Demand by Saul Williams - Now tht's wht street poetry means!...Dont tell me rap was born on the streets!!
  10. The Universe by Beatles - I love 'Jai Guru Deva'. I'm sure they were on LSD in the Himalayas when they wrote this song.
  11. Toss the feathers by The Corrs - Absolutely love the energy. Scottish music without needing a bagpiper in background! impressive!!
  12. Iris by Goo Goo Dolls - The story goes that he wrote the song in flat 5 min after listening to the story!
  13. Friday by The Cure - Oh man!.. This song never fails to lift my spirits
  14. New Soul by Yael Naim - a lil bit of impishness, a lot of fun n a bounty load of freshness
Not an exhaustive list.. I cud come up with these at the spur of the moment.

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