Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Time has come.. for regular blogging!!!


The wonderful thing about my blog is that no one reads it!!!... How isolated and crazy is that?? and how charming is it that I continue to write here... well, I'm just incapable of processing rejection and people ignoring me...That's a wonderful gift to have!

So, like the title says it... I'm going to blog regularly.. Part of the credit for this goes to my dear, kind-hearted 'sweetheart' who from now on I choose to refer as 'Man-Boy' (MB for short)...

My darling MB was kind enough to set me up with what I'd call a 'work-around' for all the sites banned in dragonland :)   XOXO and 'Let the proxy be with you'...

So, let me just say how happy I am by performing cartwheels in my head for a minute to show my love for MB and pay my respect to proxies...

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