Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mad at the world

missed lunch,
have a headache coming up,
created a mailer which was pending for 3 days,
tried like hell to catch up with every pending call,
had a bad dinner,
can't fall asleep,
can't stop thinking,
can't relax,
2 books to complete, 4 to start,
pages to write,
thoughts and ideas to analyze,
so much left to do,
bills to pay,
mad at the world in general..

and to top it all.. you just have to browse a couple of pages, read the news to see how little you've achieved..

Sound sleep is not an option with the world at stake.. Where is my bullet proof armour??
I should relax and first find it..


Agnostic Vagabond said...

wats dat supposed to be?If amar kaul of dasvidaniya reads this post he wud feel his life is better.
Reading the first few lines there seemed to be symptoms of chickenguniya and dengue.get urself checked :)
words of solace: a gladiator never needed an armour.Win the crowd win your freedom.

The Gypsy said...

wow!... win the crowd!.. win your freedom!.. So true, for somebody who wants to work in Advertising :P